Explore Chronic Absenteeism Resources

Learn more about chronic absenteeism, contributing factors to absences, and potential solutions to bring students back to school.

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What is Chronic Absenteeism?

According to the White House, absenteeism is labeled chronic once a student misses 10% of school days in a year.

Whether absences are excused or not, it’s at this point that the risks of falling behind academically, dropping out before graduation, and even poor health increase significantly. Learn more about addressing chronic absenteeism today in our latest guide.

Infographic showing the following data: In the 2022-2023 school year 33% of students nationwide were chronically absent. Rates as high as 77% disproportionately affect urban district. Rates are up roughly 10% in all districts across the country.
Contributing Factors to Chronic Absenteeism infographic: Mental Health: recent years have seen a 20% rise in anxiety disorders and a 37% rise in clinical depression diagnoses among children and adolescents. Belonging at School: a positive school climate, one promoting safety and strong relationships, can improve attendance. Disengagement: low school involvement, stemming from a lack of perceived purpose, interest, or motivation, is associated with absenteeism and long-term negative impacts.
Contributing Factors to Chronic Absenteeism
There are many reasons why chronic absenteeism is on the rise. However, several contributing factors stand out:
  • Declining student mental health
  • Lack of belonging at school
  • Overall student disengagement
The New York Times recently asked high school students’ thoughts on the reasons behind the startling rates of absenteeism. Their responses reaffirm research-backed causes and provide insights for addressing the issue.
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Addressing Chronic Absenteeism Today

Access our guide to learn how three school districts effectively manage chronic absenteeism and get the following:

  • Activities for fostering community engagement
  • A printable guide for improving attendance
  • Analysis of data + findings from the U.S. Department of Education
  • Supplementary resources + downloadable materials


How Chronic Absenteeism Impacts Student Achievement. Image shows a elementary classroom with a child represented as chronically absent.
How Chronic Absenteeism Impacts Student Achievement

Read our latest article on the short + long-term effects of chronic absenteeism on student success, including academic performance, social development, and student health.


Leaders in Education on Chronic Absenteeism Interventions

Wayfinder tackles chronic absenteeism by focusing on student well-being, fostering a sense of belonging, and guiding purposeful development. Real-life educators using Wayfinder have achieved:

  • Increased student agency + accountability
  • Tracked crucial skill development + generated related content
  • Developed students' self-awareness + purpose 
  • Strengthened belonging + connection at school

Click here to learn more about addressing the root causes of chronic absenteeism with Wayfinder. 

Stop Chronic Absenteeism at Its Source with Wayfinder

Join educators nationwide using Wayfinder to take on chronic absenteeism at its source with resources to ensure well-being, build belonging, and guide students to develop purpose. 

Explore Blogs + Articles on Chronic Absenteeism

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Strategies for Schools to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism

Addressing chronic absenteeism requires a multifaceted approach. Here are some of the most effective methods.

Read Strategies to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism

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The Impact of Chronic Absenteeism on Student Success

Chronic absenteeism is a significant issue affecting K-12 schools everywhere. Research findings make it clear that addressing this issue is crucial for student success.

Read the Impact of Chronic Absenteeism

Building Belonging Checklist

Wayfinder's Building Belonging Checklist

Fun and easy-to-use Wayfinder activity guides to help build relationships and improve school climate.

Download Wayfinder's Belonging Checklist

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Chronic Absenteeism Review

Chronic Absenteeism data and implications from the US Department of Education.

Read the Chronic Absenteeism Review