Belonging: The Foundation for Confident, Thriving Students

“It’s not just school work, school work, school work. Our thoughts matter. Our feelings matter.”

-Jada, a 7th grade student participating in Wayfinder curriculum at Neighborhood House Charter School in Boston, MA.

Research shows that young people who feel they belong have higher self-esteem and self-efficacy, better stress management, stronger relationships, higher motivation and achievement, and greater satisfaction, happiness, and optimism.

Healthy classroom communities start with fostering belonging. Explore our belonging activities and framework to keep classrooms strong all year long with our free checklist. 

Burden Backpack Activity

Purpose. Belonging. Skills For Life.

Give your educators a belonging boost with a virtually endless supply of resources, activities, lessons, and assessment tools in the Wayfinder app! Research-backed and designed to help students develop 6 Core Skills for future-ready success.

Talk to the Wayfinder team to learn more:

What Is Belonging?

Belonging means being connected, accepted, and valued by the people around us. It helps us know who we are, build strong relationships, and grow as responsible members of society. 

Learn more about belonging and Wayfinder’s research base:

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“Our teachers feel comfortable with Wayfinder. They love the curriculum. They love the activities. And they see the impact.”
Leona Watson-Erilus
Assistant Principal at Neighborhood House Charter School in Dorchester, MA.